Interrobang Media offers a variety of written content services. Whether your needs are big or small, we'll work with you to find something that fits. Call us the Goldilocks of content marketing - we want our product to be just right for you, and for your business. Interested in any of the services below? Contact us today for an introduction and custom project quote.

Written Services Overview

Blog Posts

Why blog? Regularly updating your blog is a great way to organically drive traffic to your company's website and improve your site's SEO ranking. Plus, you can share company culture and industry knowledge with your customers, building a trusting rapport that goes miles towards sales conversion and fostering long-lasting relationships with your customer base. 

Blog posts are billed based on length according to the following designations:

  • Short posts (350 to 450 words)
  • Standard posts (550 to 750 words)
  • Long posts (850 to 1000 words)

All blog post projects include an initial client consultation, and one round of edits following first draft feedback. Interested in a multi-blog post package? Ask us about a blog post series discount (either 6 or 12 posts). No idea where to start with blogging? Interrobang Media will work with you to develop blog post topics and conduct all research related to drafting the perfect well-informed and well-written content for your business. If your existing blog posts need more "oomph" or possibly a re-write, we can handle it.

 Email Newsletters

Email newsletters let you to keep your customers updated on company happenings and send interesting content directly to their inboxes. E-newsletters are also a proven way of driving material sales - if you aren't regularly sending one already, it's time to start! Interrobang Media will help you prepare a series of e-newsletters (available in packages of 6 or 12) that pique customer interest and set your company apart from its competitors.

Landing Pages

Landing pages: your Home, About, and Services pages that convert casual browsers to buyers. If your landing pages are weak (or have typos, or incomplete information, or (gulp) clipart), you've got a problem on your hands. We'll draft new landing pages from scratch, or do an overhaul of your current landing pages to help modernize your website and impress potential customers with your savvy, succinct, and engaging company information.

E-books, Articles, and Whitepapers

Are you ready to publish the next great thought leadership article (or ebook, or whitepaper) in your industry but need a little help converting those ideas into powerful prose? We'll work with you to turn your ideas into persuasive and compelling writing. Long-form ghostwriting services include initial consultation with client and regular check-ins as content is developed to make sure that the final product is the perfect representation of you and your company's voice and ideas.

Editing and Proofreading

Have written content, but need a second pair of eyes (or substantial revision)? Interrobang Media can help out. Editing and proofreading services are billed at an hourly rate. 

Your pitch perfect content is waiting.

Contact us today for an introduction and custom quote on our services. A portfolio of recent work is available upon request.